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What’s Next for TestFit and Architecture?

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What’s Next for TestFit and Architecture?

February 29, 2024
11:00 AM CT
1 hour

TestFit started to help architects save time on counting and drafting parking stalls manually. After building a full-featured real estate feasibility platform, we’re going back to our roots to democratize access to planning with a free version of our software.

In this webinar, Tyler Suomala of Growthitect asks TestFit’s CEO, Clifton Harness, the hard questions about what’s next for TestFit and architecture and how we’re going to serve the industry even further.

Key Takeaways:

  • See what’s next for TestFit to serve the architecture industry even further
  • Get a first look at the new free version of TestFit
  • Take a sneak peek into the cloud beta of our web viewer
Clifton Harness
Clifton Harness
CEO & Co-founder

Clifton Harness loves to build—buildings & now companies. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Architecture. Soon after joining a real estate development company as an architect, Clifton started working with college roommate Ryan Griege after hours to innovate deal processes, which soon grew into TestFit. Clifton lives in Dallas with his wife Annalise, children Savannah and Wells, and his golden doodle, Brinkley.

Tyler Suomala
Tyler Suomala

Tyler Suomala is the Founder of Growthitect, a weekly 5-minute newsletter that helps 4,500+ busy architects grow their income, value, and confidence with marketing and sales strategies. He also is Manager of Content at Monograph and a Strategic Advisor at Acelab.

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