Reduce Risk with Site Data Early On

Examine environmental site constraints in feasibility so you don’t get surprises down the line.

Parcel data

Define Your Site in Seconds

Create your site from single to mixed-use development—even without a survey in hand. No more drawing polylines one by one.

topo Data

Design with Slopes in Mind

Account for elevation changes and slope gradients in your site plans with 3D terrain. Get automatic cut-and-fill calculations for cost estimating.

3D Context

Bring Your Plans to Life with 3D Buildngs

Visualize your site plans with existing context in 3D so you can communicate your vision effortlessly.


Visualize Land Use with Zoning Maps

See neighboring land use with built-in color-coded zoning maps. Create zoning diagrams for client, city, and zoning presentations without duplicating work.


Get Zoning Studies Done Fast

Stop flipping through pages of zoning code and access up-to-date zoning data including permitted land uses, max FAR, max coverage, setbacks, building height, and more.


Automate with Accurate Zoning Data

Create a zoning profile with the built-in zoning data to find the highest and best use for your site. Get a pass/fail score with each scheme to ensure compliance.


Exclude Flood Zone Automatically

Visualize US FEMA flood maps around your site—create easements automatically to avoid building in flood zones.

wetland Data

Avoid Protected Wetlands on Your Site

Avoid building on protected areas with US wetland data with designation for marine, estuarine, palustrine and more.


Know Your Land Better with Soil Data

Get detailed information about the soil on your site from the SSURGO dataset including soil type, water table depth, bedrock depth, and slope gradient.


Power Your Sites with Accurate Data

Assess regional energy infrastructure with accurate locations and detailed information about power plants and their energy sources.

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Site Solver

We find TestFit hugely beneficial for going from zero to a good understanding of what we can put on a site. We probably wouldn’t have been able to realize as much yield out of this site without TestFit.

Michael Bernstein
Development Manager
The Geyser Group

TestFit automates the manual process of testing development feasibility and saves us many hours of manual work. This allows us to run more scenarios and alternatives for every project. It also creates better, more accurate basic massing visuals than we can do manually.

Jamin Kimmell
Cascadia Partners

The speed to bring a visual rendering is where we best utilize TestFit. We utilize it in real-time with the client. The client quickly sees how we could develop the land or check on the maximum available building area.

Chris Carry
Sitework and Heavy-Highway Department Manager
Mosser Construction

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More Data. Less Surprises.

Examine site environmental constraints in feasibility so you don’t get surprises down the line.