Subdivide Your Single-Family Sites in Hours, Not Weeks
Optimize for the best single-family plan on your site with custom home presets, quantity takeoffs, and financial data all in one place.

Maximize Density and Parcels Mix with Constraints in Mind
Generate the optimal site layout taking into account zoning, minimum lot size, home types, municipal road requirements, and more.
Customize Home Types to Meet Your Standards
Import your home standards and configuration to solve for your custom presets without duplicating work.
Automate Quantity Takeoffs and Cost Modeling
Get automatic quantity takeoffs of each home type and road length to streamline conceptual cost estimation.
Optimize Single-Family Sites with TestFit Generative Design
Fast-track your feasibility studies with real-time insights into design, cost, and constructability all in one place.

Plan Your Sites 4x Faster
- Select your sites quickly from parcel data or draw from metes and bounds.
- Build out an entire site with customizable road layout, and topography data.
- Visualize your site plans with 3D context in seconds.

Make Data-Driven Decisions
- Get the financial data you need to make informed decisions.
- Compare design schemes instantly with real-time deal prototyping.
- Get automatic cost estimates with accurate quantity takeoffs.

Iterate 3x More Design Options
- Set your parameters for zoning, building code, parking ratio, and more.
- Keep creating new options to meet both your design intent and pro forma.
- Iterate through different scenarios without constant back-and-forth revisions.

Put Your Feasibility Study to Work
- Jump into design and documentation with a direct Revit add-in.
- Get built-in zoning and environmental data like flood zones, wetlands, and more.
- Export to Sketchup, AutoCAD (.dxf), Excel (.csv), and more.
Built For Single-Family Development
Subdivide a large piece of land into individual parcels for single-family or mixed-density development. Include multiple housing types such as:
- ADUs
- Townhomes
- Bungalow courts
- Tiny homes

TestFit is an easy way of computing a [single-family] layout than in AutoCAD. Easy to learn program. Solves how many lots can fit inside a property and how much LF of the road is roughly needed to create the layout.

TestFit automates the manual process of testing development feasibility and saves us many hours of manual work. This allows us to run more scenarios and alternatives for every project. It also creates better, more accurate basic massing visuals than we can do manually.

The speed to bring a visual rendering is where we best utilize TestFit. We utilize it in real-time with the client. The client quickly sees how we could develop the land or check on the maximum available building area.

Reduce Risk. Increase Potential.
Explore TestFit's Real Estate Feasibility Platform today.