Level Up with TestFit

Join us for weekly scheduled trainings to level up your TestFit skills. During these calls, our product experts will build sample sites with you step by step.

Choose from one of our training sessions that fit your project type:

What You’ll Learn:

Navigating TestFit

Explore how to navigate TestFit's interface like tabulations panel, development panel and settings/preferences.

Selecting your Sites

Discover how to find your site, define your site from built-in parcel data, use the site polyline tool, slicing your sites and add a background image.

Iterating with Real-Time AI

Learn how to use our real-time AI configurators for rapid concept iterations to optimize for the best deals.

TESTfit for developers

Where Deals Get Done, Fast

Only 1 in 40 deals ever become real projects. Vet out the bad ones, so you can move onto the right ones.