The State of Generative Design for Critical Infrastructure: 2024 Annual Report

A collective of more than 20 generative design technology leaders including Transcend, Augmenta, TestFit, & Autodesk, are featured in the release of the first ever 2024 Annual Report: The State of Generative Design for Critical Infrastructure.
The report is an informative look at the current state of generative design adoption in critical infrastructure industries, including housing, transportation, water, energy, and more.
A collective of more than 20 generative design technology leaders including Transcend, Augmenta, TestFit, & Autodesk, are featured in the release of the first ever 2024 Annual Report: The State of Generative Design for Critical Infrastructure.
The report is an informative look at the current state of generative design adoption in critical infrastructure industries, including housing, transportation, water, energy, and more.
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