Globe Street: TestFit: Prologis Is Using Our Software to Identify New Warehouse Sites

Globe Street
September 27, 2023

TestFit, a proptech company focused on real estate feasibility analysis, announced that Prologis is using the firm’s software to help identify new warehouse sites.

TestFit’s real estate feasibility platform provides insights into design, constructability, and costs in early-stage site planning, the vendor said, noting that it has also worked 50% of the top 10 multifamily developers in that sector.

TestFit, a proptech company focused on real estate feasibility analysis, announced that Prologis is using the firm’s software to help identify new warehouse sites.

TestFit’s real estate feasibility platform provides insights into design, constructability, and costs in early-stage site planning, the vendor said, noting that it has also worked 50% of the top 10 multifamily developers in that sector.

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