EvolveLAB: What is TestFit.io?

May 28, 2021

Bill Allen, CEO of EvolveLab recently hosted Clifton Harness on Evolve Lab Live. After reminiscing over the "before" times (we scooted ahead over that part for you), we're discussing deep things like what is the meaning of architecture, and how TestFit aims to solve commodity design. With of course, some of our origin story and how we are working fully remotely with a distributed workforce.

Bill Allen, CEO of EvolveLab recently hosted Clifton Harness on Evolve Lab Live. After reminiscing over the "before" times (we scooted ahead over that part for you), we're discussing deep things like what is the meaning of architecture, and how TestFit aims to solve commodity design. With of course, some of our origin story and how we are working fully remotely with a distributed workforce.

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