AECbytes: AI in AEC Updates, 2022

February 24, 2022

Asterisk has an integration with a separate emerging product called TestFit, which uses AI technology to streamline design tasks in the form of a “building configurator.” TestFit reacts dynamically to the user’s inputs, either through input parameters (such as residential, unit mix, etc.) or spatial constraints (such as zoning, setback, easement, etc.), and produces a building configuration that meets those input requirements in real time (Figure 3). While TestFit does not use machine learning trained by large datasets to power its AI, it does provide the “intelligence” that can dramatically reduce design time from weeks to minutes.

Asterisk has an integration with a separate emerging product called TestFit, which uses AI technology to streamline design tasks in the form of a “building configurator.” TestFit reacts dynamically to the user’s inputs, either through input parameters (such as residential, unit mix, etc.) or spatial constraints (such as zoning, setback, easement, etc.), and produces a building configuration that meets those input requirements in real time (Figure 3). While TestFit does not use machine learning trained by large datasets to power its AI, it does provide the “intelligence” that can dramatically reduce design time from weeks to minutes.

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