AEC Magazine: Enscape Shares SDK Plans with TestFit

AEC Magazine
September 30, 2021

Enscape’s first partner in the SDK programme is TestFit, an algorithm-driven tool designed for property developers and architects for use in the initial planning phases.

Users of TestFit will be able to render and export visuals for client presentations, zoning board meetings and other applications. Any changes made in TestFit will automatically update in Enscape. According to the Texas-based company, Enscape will improve its software’s existing lighting tools with complex inputs like calendar and time of day for shadow studies. Trees and cars can also be parametrically allocated with TestFit’s configurator.

Enscape’s first partner in the SDK programme is TestFit, an algorithm-driven tool designed for property developers and architects for use in the initial planning phases.

Users of TestFit will be able to render and export visuals for client presentations, zoning board meetings and other applications. Any changes made in TestFit will automatically update in Enscape. According to the Texas-based company, Enscape will improve its software’s existing lighting tools with complex inputs like calendar and time of day for shadow studies. Trees and cars can also be parametrically allocated with TestFit’s configurator.

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