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Increasing Density in Multi-Family Housing

Increasing Density in Multi-Family Housing
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Increasing Density in Multi-Family Housing

The 18-point checklist to increase net rentable, complete with with pros & cons, visuals and unique data on the impact of change on NRSF.

What You’ll Find Inside:

  • Handy checklist​: Whether you're experienced or junior at working on multifamily design & construction, you can refer to this checklist time and time again.
  • Unique data insights​: We analyzed the results of these individual methods of increasing density vs NRSF on 222 buildings, and have also highlighted the impact(s) on Capex, Opex, Risk & Intangibles.
  • Graphical representation​: We're showing you how these differences look in the design using TestFit: The Ultimate Building Configurator.

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