What is a Fill-Type Garage?
Simply put? Fill a site with parking in an irregular fashion. TestFit handles three major fill-type garage scenarios with parking: The Podium Fill; The Donut; and The Donut + Wrap. Sounds pretty appetizing, right?
The Podium Fill
Fill the site with parking, put building on top of it. To achieve this, simply select "podium fill" on the preset panel.
The Texas Donut
Fill the entire site with parking, but line the garage with housing units. Affectionately called the "Texas Donut". In TestFit, simply select "donut" on the presets panel.
The Filled Donut + Wrap
Sometimes a site has a weird shape, and the garage is used to regularize that shape. This is less easy to achieve in TestFit, but still achievable.Step One: Select donut from the preset panelStep Two: Slide a setback to shrink the garage footprintStep Three: Set building wrap levels to 5Step Four: "Explode" the model to manual modeStep Five: Reset the setbacksStep Six: Manually add building massStep Seven: Solve by toggling out of manual mode
Here is a swift comparison, with two "Donut Fill + Wrap" options: