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TestFit 2.3: Retail Space

written by
Clifton Harness

New to TestFit release 2.3 is a much-needed upgrade to Spaces; particularly retail space. Users are now able to specify spaces as retail, voids, conditioned and unconditioned.

Void Spaces

  • Easily remove parts of buildings with the new void space tool
Remove spaces site plan with void spaces TestFit
  • The void space tool also enables dramatic forms to be created

Single Loaded Spaces

  • This toggle allows users to specify if the space is single loaded or double loaded
specify if space is single loaded or double loaded
  • This feature can be used to make a single-loaded building mass

Advanced Yield on Cost

  • The yield on cost tool has been updated to include several additional income and cost buckets
Income Model

Additional Details

  • Multiple Level and Double Height Spaces.
  • Single Loaded Spaces.
  • Retail, Unconditioned, and Void Spaces.
  • Four Detailed Hard Cost Buckets
  • Parking, Retail, and Per-Unit Type Income.
  • Space Dragging is More Responsive.

Reported Issues

  • Significantly reduced the number of crashes due to large buildings.
  • Fixed an issue when populating zoning profiles loaded at startup.
  • Fixed an error with zoning height reporting.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some common areas in outside corners without a corner unit.
  • Fixed cases where vertical widths were larger than requested.
  • Fixed aggregate development statistics for multi-site plans.

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